The Voltech PM1000+ is the first power analyzer to combine bench instrument with sophisticated energy consumption features and low-power standby measurements at an affordable price. The PM1000+ measures power consumption from milliwatts to megawatts, providing accurate power and harmonics data on products ranging from the tiniest cell phone charger to the latest electrical hybrid bus.
Designed and built using over 20 years of Voltech know-how, the PM1000+ is the most powerful, accurate, no-compromise power and energy analysis tool for the design and test of tomorrows products.
The Harmonics and Flicker measuring option for the Voltech PM1000+ power analyzer is a revolution in the way these measurements will be made.
Ideal for measurements on power supplies, from wall chargers to UPS and high-power converters, the PM1000+ makes accurate measurements on all waveforms including those heavily distorted by the rectification and smoothing at power supply inputs.
The PM1000+ provides comprehensive integration features suitable for Energy Star measurements and for low-power measurements in accordance with international directives.
The PM1000+ power analyzer is ideal for making measurements on lighting ballasts. Its special operating mode measures the output of electronics ballasts. It can be used for 50 Hz, 60Hz or 400Hz lighting systems.
For Further Details, Contact:
TTL Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
#3071, 10th Cross, 11th Main, HAL II Stage, Bangalore-560 008
Phone: (080) 25251859 / 25260646
Fax: (080) 25291285
E-mail: tmidirect@ttlindia.com
Website: www.ttlindia.com