Space- and Cost-Saving Devices Offer Long Useful Life of 5,000 Hours or More
MALVERN, Pa. — July 28, 2015 — Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. announced that it has extended its 157 PUM-SI series of ultra-miniature snap-in power aluminum electrolytic capacitors with a higher rated voltage of 500 V. Designed for power supplies, industrial motor controls, and solar PV inverters, the enhanced devices save board space and lower costs by allowing designers to utilize one component instead of two 250 V capacitors.
Featuring a cylindrical aluminum case, insulated with a blue sleeve, the Vishay BC components snap-in capacitors are available in 23 case sizes ranging from 22 x 25 mm to 35 x 60 mm. At 500 V, the devices feature a maximum operating temperature to +85 °C and a long useful life of ≥ 5,000 hours.
As polarized aluminum electrolytic capacitors with a non-solid electrolyte, 157 PUM-SI series devices are ideally suited for smoothing, filtering, and energy storage in pulsed power applications. The RoHS-compliant capacitors are also available in a keyed polarity snap-in version.