Water leaks in your home are no joke. They can lead to extensive water damage, and they can also cost you a lot of money. The worst part is that very often, you can’t even tell you have a water leak because it’s buried somewhere you can’t see. Approximately 25% of homes in the U.S. use a septic system.
Now, there’s a new high tech way to alert homeowners that they have a leak even if they aren’t home. A new water leak detector made by Honeywell will go off when water hits the cord so you know you have a leak. This was all triggered by Sharon Fredriksen’s story.
About a year and a half ago, a leak formed near Fredriksen’s hot water heater. Before it could spread to the rest of the basement and cause serious damage, the device warned her. This device can be used under sinks, around washing machines, and in the basement. There are several units on the market that range in price from a few dollars up to $60, and Fredriksen’s unit is on the higher end. This is because it connects to wifi and will send a message right to her smartphone if it detects a leak when she’s not home.
Fredriksen got her device for free because she participated in the pilot program with her insurance company, USAA. Jon Michael Kowall works in the company’s property product development and innovation unit, and he says his team is currently collecting data to see how effective the devices are at stopping damage and keeping clients from having to submit a claim.
It the pilot program is successful, USAA will consider expanding it. Fixing easily corrected household leaks can save homeowners roughly 10% on their water bills, and this device can help homeowners all over the country save a lot of money.
“We’re going to be proactive, and really prevent and detect events before they occur,” Kowall said.
You can get one of these devices without any kind of pilot program. The device can be found online for about $30. You can also find one at Home Depot that detects water leaks and if your pipes freeze. That device is roughly $60.