Tektronix Inc., a leading worldwide provider of test, measurement and monitoring instrumentation, announced the DMM4000 Series of 5.5 digit and 6.5 digit resolution digital multimeters (DMM) designed to help engineers debug complex electronics and validate circuit design through precision measurements and in-depth analysis capabilities. In addition, the DMM Series integrates with National Instruments LabVIEW SignalExpress interactive instrument software for quickly acquiring, analyzing, and presenting data from multiple instruments. With the addition of the DMM4000 Series, Tektronix offers customers an expanded portfolio of powerful bench instruments that can be connected for correlated measurements and data recording offering extended debug capabilities. As the circuits in embedded system designs become more sophisticated and demand tighter tolerances, engineers need to precisely measure, debug and validate circuits across a wide range of signal types and parameters with a high degree of accuracy. This need is best met with an integrated set of tools including oscilloscopes, signal generators andDMMs that are easy to use, reliable and offer advanced analytical capabilities. Versatility and PrecisionThe new series of Tektronix digital multimetersprovide the versatility and precision engineers need for their most demanding measurements. Theofferings include a 5.5 digit and two 6.5 digitmodels which cansupport up to a fullr a n g e o fmultifunction DMMme a s u r eme n t sincluding voltage, current, frequency, period,diode, capacitance, resistance and temperaturemeasurements. Dedicated front-panel buttonsprovide fast access to frequently used functions andparameters, reducing set up time. The DMM4040and DMM4050 further simplify operation with afront panel USB port for easy data logging andinstrument setup storage.For in-depth analysis, the 6.5 digit DMM4040 and DMM4050 include a graphical display thatsupports histogram, trend plotting and statisticalanalysis features. All models, including the 5.5digit DMM4020, are offered with a three-yearlimited warranty and include a limited edition of the National Instruments LabVIEW SignalExpressTektronix Edition software. For certain precision measurements, digitalmultimeters represent a critical addition to the embedded designer ‘s test bench. For example, theTektronix DMM4050 can measure milli or microvolts with industry leading accuracy. The benefits ofthis design are that it offers higher resolution up to100 nano volts with 0.0024 % accuracy. Precise 2×4 ohms measurements can be made on allmodels through a patented single lead test set avoiding dual lead-set errors.
For more details visit: www.tektronix.com.