Kit is suitable for students above age of 13 years Qu-Bot Features:
- 3X Line Sensors
- 3X Obstacle Sensors
- 2X Motor Counter sensors
- Indication LED for each sensor
- Sensors On Off select switch
- Onboard LCD 16X2
- 1X Buzzer
- 3X General purpouse LED ‘s
- 3X General purpouse Switchs
- 1X Ambiant light sensor
- 1X Remote control receiver sensor
- USB Programmable through visual drag & drop software
- Onboard Li-ion rechargeable battery (Charging through USB or Special chargers)
- Charge Complete Indication LED
- Power LED
- Power on/off Switch
- Can be powered also by USB
- USB communication TX & RX.
- Manually Controlled by Remote controlled or Computer operated
Visual Programming software showing simple program. When switch 1 is pressed the Qu-Bot moves forward.
Qu-Bot Kit Includes:
- Qu-Bot fully assembled with li-ion battery
- Charger
- USB Cable
- Printed Manual
- Software and documentation CD with visual programming software
- IR remote control
For more details contact:
Macnet Technology
18 Kalpana Building, 1 St Floor,
339 , Lamagition Road ,
Mumbai – 400007
Ph No – 022 23823553
WEB :- www.vegarobokit.com
EMAIL:- info@vegarobokit.com