The 2nd User Forum for Relay Technology – 17-18 October 2019,
Vogel Convention Centre, Würzburg, Germany
October 01, Clacton-on-Sea, UK: Pickering Electronics, the reed relay company which has pioneered miniaturisation and high performance for over 50 years, is to present a paper entitled ‘Technical Considerations when Designing with Reed Relays’ at the User Forum for Relay Technology in October. The presentation will take design engineers ‘beyond the datasheet’ and describe in detail some of the key design and manufacturing aspects that determine and differentiate the operational performance of reed relays. Pickering’s aim is to increase designers’ understanding of functional details of reed relays beyond the bare facts presented on datasheets, enabling better end product design.
The Relay Engineering User Forum is a platform for industry experts to discuss and present fundamentals and practical knowledge on relay applications, technical options of specific relays and current developments. Best practice examples highlight the implementation of switching applications in machines, devices, systems and process control. The focus of the event is on practical relevance and to enable direct implementation of the content by the participants.
Delegates at the forum are engineers, design engineers, technicians and industrial engineers from development, application technology, quality assurance, purchasing and component approval for users and manufacturers of electrical switchgear and electronic control systems. The event will be accompanied by a table-top exhibition.
Comments Keith Moore, CEO, Pickering Electronics: “The User Forum for Relay Technology is a great opportunity for manufacturers of reed relays to share their expertise and discover new product opportunities. Delegates will also benefit from a better understanding of how to get the most out of all types of relays to maximise functionality and reliability.”