Current Scenario
Human are interacting with computers with different ways. We have Keyboard, Mouse, JoyStick, Touch Screen devices. This all are physical devices. World is looking for some new technology or the different way of interacting with computers.
World is expecting something more…
It’s right time to come-up with some new technology. People are looking for natural user interaction with computers. People are keen to see Human-Computer interaction especially with neurons.With the help of Perceptual computing we are stepping into the world of Natural User Interaction.There are many domains like Gaming, Healthcare, and Security where remote interaction will be value added.
Introducing Perceptual Computing
Intel is working on Natural User Interaction. They are calling it as Perceptual Computing (PerC). We have already watched many Hollywood movies like Iron Man in which Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is using his hand gesture and voice command to operate his gadgets.
Perceptual computing provides many features like Speech Recognition, Hand and Finger Tracking, Facial Analysis, Augmented Reality, Background Subtracting, Emotion detection. Perceptual computing SDK is using Creative Senz3D camera to capture 3D images for further process. Camera also contains Dual-array microphones to detect voice from users. Intel SDK provides different coordinates of fingers and face points. As Intel is using 3D camera, coordinates would be x, y and z to locate object in front of camera. Camera is USB camera and it can be easily plug with any devices having USB port. Currently Intel SDK works perfectly with 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation Intel Core processors.
Where to Start?

Intel Perceptual computing SDK is free even for commercial software. Please ReadLegal Disclaimerpage to know more about licence policy of SDK. You can download Intel SDK for free from Intel website.You can purchase Creative Senz3D camera fromIntel Websitealso. You can integrate different gestures without more effortsusing Intel SDK. Some of the gestures are In-Build for capturing without any computations.In-Build gestures like swipe left, swipe right, thumbs up, thumbs down, and more.
You could developapplication using C++, C#, Processing, Unity and java languages.Below table gives you overview idea on what type of gestures could be captured easily through SDK.PerC SDK provides lot more gestures than given in below table. Even you can capture your customized gestures using Row data processing.

PerC SDK can capture each and every figure movement. You can create your customized gesture as per your software needs.
Business Challenges
There are many areas where PerC can be helpful. We are facing many problems that can be automated for saving time and money. There are many domains like Education, Designing, Gaming, Healthcareetc. where PerC could play key role for business growth. Here I would like to give you some ideas on how we can improve productivity through natural human interaction with computers.
Interior Designer: Customer frequently ask for changes and they would like to see it immediately on Model. It is very difficult to provide walkthrough as per customer expectation. If we Integrate PerC SDK Gesture Recognition with the system, Customer can navigate inside their home model. They can even use their hand to walk inside their home model. They can change texture or colour of the wall with voice commands. Speech recognition system of PerC SDK supports German, English (British, US), French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish and Chines languages.So you don’t have to worry if your customer is from japan or from other country.
Medical Training: For Medical students it is very important to try surgery on dead body before going for real surgery. It is very difficult to get dead body for training. Surgery through Virtual Reality could be possible with the help of PerC SDK. Augmented reality let student to realize that they are actually doing operation. If they are doing something wrong system can raise an audible voice message or it could instruct student during surgery. This type of training could save lots of money and help students to learn easily.
Cloth selection: It is very difficult to select matching pair of cloths, specifically for girls. With the help of augmented reality you can choose your clothes from thousands of jeans and t-shirt and you can even match different combination with just swipe your hand. You can even ask for your interest and software will suggest you possible combinations. Emotion detection could help system to identify customer interest with different products. With such technology you can actually visualize how particular pair of cloth will look without actual try. Customer feedback could be feed automatically into the system using emotion detections.
You can utilize Intel Perceptual Computing SDK and Creative Senz3D Camera to save your development efforts to capture basic gestures very easily. Intel PerC SDK is still under development. They are continuously developing different ways of natural human interaction. You can also watch videos on Perceptual Computing Showcase to get more idea on capability and quality of PerC SDK.