Max-4-100 is Multispindle Liniar Bobbin Winding Machine aiming to cover a wide range of wire diameter and product spectrum. The machine can be equitted with automatic bobbin loading and unloading mechanism to increase the productivity and to reduce operator fatigue. Independent axis modules contribute axis rigidity and highly accurate process repeatability. Twin slab construction facilitates flexible spindle configuration. Number of spindles can be expanded up to 12 which results in high volume production and low cost of ownership. The quick change over from type to type helps to cover wide range of applications like relay coil, solenoid coil, ignition coil, inverter transformer, injector coil, pickup coil etc. Programming through touch panel and using PC for data storage makes the machine user friendly. The machine is available with 4, 6, 8 and 12 spindle configurations. The product is a creation of the organisations experience and technological strength and is strongly supported by superior engineering resources and services to reenforce the component manufacturing in Indian industry. For further details contact: ELECTROMECH #4,Subraamnyapura Post, Uttarahalli Main Road Bangalore-61 Ph:91-080-26661200/26663005 Email:emech@blr.vsnl.net.in Website:www.electromechindia.com