LEGO Robot Video
Above is the CubeStormer 3, which just hauled in the Guinness World Record for analyzing and solving a Rubik’s cube in 3.253 seconds. It’s made out from LEGO, magic, the devil, children’s dreams, children’s nightmares and an ARM processor — the type you may or may not find in your smartphone or tablet, depending on the model. (It’s actually powered by an eight-core ARM chip-infused Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone that controls four robotic hands and eight LEGO Mindstorm sequencers, per ARM’s press release.)
So which poor, disheveled, jerk of a robot did the CubeStormer 3 just snatch the title away from? That would be the CubeStormer II. So at least the creators are keeping the title in the family. And hopefully CubeStormer II — which analyzed and solved a Rubik’s cube in 5.35 seconds — was given a nice retirement package.