SMD assembly systems from Essemtec can now mark the printed circuit board with an identification label while placing components. The integrated labeler delivers on demand a label with bar code, matrix code, date or serial numbers.
Consistent quality assurance and traceability in electronics manufacturing requires first of all the correct identification of a PCB. ID marking is best done where the product is made: during the SMD assembly process.
SMD assembly systems from Essemtec can now be equipped with an integrated label feeder. In collaboration with pb tec GmbH a Hover-Davis feeder was adapted to Essemtec pick and place machines. The feeder delivers a label when needed which is then placed to the PCB like a normal SMD component. Therefore, the correct identification is reliably secured, also due to the accurate positioning of the label.
The integrated label feeder can feed labels with any code: bar codes, matrix codes, date or serial numbers are possible. Therefore, its integration of into an existing production line is very simple and quick.
In combination with an integrated bar code scanner, the full traceability of the production is ensured. The code is read when the PCB leaves the pick&place machine. The code is reported to the traceability system such as the MIS Management Information System from Essemtec and is put in relation to the PCB and the placement data.
The label feeder is integrated into the pick an place instead of a component feeder cassette. Therefore, the labeling system makes ideal use of the available resources: no additions production floor space is required, nor additional machines and no additional vacuum pipettes. The label feeder is available for all FLX- and Paraquda series pick and place machines. It can be retrofitted on installed machines.
For more details visit: www.essemtec.com