The TQ-Group offers printed circuit board (PCB) assembly checkups to customers and other interested parties. The checkup examines all components in the product with regard to their future availability. Based on this work, the obsolescence management experts of TQ then provide individualized recommendations to ensure the competitiveness of the product over the long term.
Obsolescence management contacts from TQ will be available daily at the TQ stand at electronica trade fair (hall A6, stand 307). They also carry out the electronic components checkup for interested fair visitors.
“Just when a product is most successful, you have to start thinking about redesign. Our electronic components checkup is the ideal way to start this. For the checkup, we need the bill of materials and some basic data on the product, such as when the development started, whether there already are obsolete components and how long the customer intend to keep the electronic component on the market,” explains Anke Bartel, TQ Customer Center manager and member of the Component Obsolescence Group (COG).
The recommendations formulated by TQ are based on many years of experience by the company in obsolescence management. “We have a very large range of appropriate experience because TQ is active as an electronics service provider for customers coming from various branches. We always keep an eye on the market trends and are able to access a comprehensive database. This has paid off. With the help of our obsolescence management, customers can save 30% of the product cost in some cases,” summarizes Anke Bartel.
The obsolescence management strategy developed by TQ protects customer products against obsolete components, expensive redesigns, unreliable sources and high-cost brokerware. With its modular structure, TQ provides the best fit of obsolescence management with the printed circuit board assemblies of the customers. The range of services extends from analyzing the bill of materials, monitoring vulnerable components, redesigns, audits and workshops, all the way to long-term storage in nitrogen.