Following a successful evaluation period, DEK’s ProFlow ATx enclosed print head technology has been adopted by a high profile electronics company due to its ability to meet complex mass production requirements. As specialists in design, production and product management, the electronics solutions company had strict evaluation criteria that the DEK system successfully met and even, in some cases, exceeded.
Aware of the operational benefits and productivity advantages of the ProFlow ATx system, the electronics specialist wanted to assess the technology’s ability to withstand the challenges of large-scale production. The DEK customer also set out to test ProFlow ATx’s ability to handle the product complexity it manages on a frequent basis which often includes fine pitch components such as 0402s and 0201s. In a bid to improve print process quality, capacity and capability, a rigorous evaluation assessed the DEK system’s printing performance against conventional squeegees, along with its abilityto reduce solder paste wastage and enhance cycle time.
Dur ing thee val uat ion , ProFlow ATx achieved all of The company�s core targets for quality, throughput, solder paste usage and wastage. For example, tests saw solder paste wastage reduced by over 2100 grams per week � an impressive figure ideal for mass production environments. Utilising DEK’s Hawkeye print verification tool, printer throughput exceeded the target level of 14 seconds per board by 10%. Off-line 3d inspection was also performed to ensure the required paste volumes and heights were being deposited to fully meet the required quality standards.
The inherent benefits of ProFlow enclosed print head technology include exceptionally efficient materials transfer, superior throughput rates, high process yields, low material wastage and improved process control. By containing in a sealed environment, as opposed to being exposed to air as in traditional squeegee applications, enclosed head printing affords the environmental and cost saving benefits of lower material waste. The ProFlow ATx is dedicated to the deposition of advanced materials, an extended competence which incorporates the ability to mix and condition materials and deliver uniform performance control.
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