New HexGen HEX500-350HL is driven by brushless, slotless servomotors for maximum lifetime and performance
Aerotech ( has introduced the industry’s only high-load, ultra-precision hexapod positioning system with guaranteed accuracy specifications, the company reports. The new HexGen HEX500-350HL provides six degree-of-freedom positioning with linear travels to 110 mm and angular travels to 40°. Minimum incremental motion is 20 nm in XYZ and 0.2 µrad in θxθyθz.
With its high-load capacity, large travels, high speeds, and sub micrometer precision, the hexapod handles a wide range of laboratory and industrial applications. It is driven by AC brushless, slotless servomotors that maximize device lifetime and performance. Strut pivot-joints are engineered to provide low friction and high stiffness, enhancing the overall hexapod performance.
Applications include: Industrial and Academic Laboratories • Aerospace • Military • Semiconductors • Sensor testing • X-ray diffraction • High force device manipulation • Microelectronics • Optics • Photonics • Data Storage • Precision Mechanics
Aerotech’s A3200 motion control software allows simple programming and control of the hexapod in multiple user-defined coordinate systems with an intuitive interface and real-time motion visualization.
Simulator tools provide a quick and easy way to verify hexapod motion and simulate the complete automation process. Users may select from a library of standard designs or easily create their own hexapod configuration.
The system is available with an absolute encoder option for applications that demand no movement on start-up or power loss. The base and platform have a 150 mm diameter clear aperture to allow for workpiece access from the bottom. The base has mounting holes to adapt directly to English or metric optical tables.
The hexapod can also be vacuum prepared for demanding applications in synchrotron sample or optics adjustment, semiconductor manufacturing and inspection, or satellite sensor testing.
Aerotech is a leading global supplier of positioning and motion control products for industry, government, science and research institutions. Its products provide critical performance for demanding applications requiring high precision, high-throughput motion control solutions.