New Yorker Electronics Releases Tepro’s New TO-220 Non-Inductive, Thick-Film Heat Sink Device for Switching Power Supplies and Pulse Circuits
New Yorker Electronics is now distributinga heat sink device with enhanced power size ratio, high stability and optimum heat dissipation. The new Tepro TO-220 Non-Inductive, Thick-FilmHeat Sink Resistor in the TO-20 Type is typical application for this is switching power supplies and various types of pulse circuits. Tepromanufactures precision and power resistors for the military and
commercial applications.
Tepro has been designing and manufacturing both wirewound resistors andmetal film resistors for their chassis mount resistor, power resistorand surface mount resistor lines for over 50 years. The Tepro TO-220 isa miniature device that features a plated copper heat sink, a highstability thick-film element and tinned copper leads. It also has hightemperature thermoset molding.
Custom models are available with variations in lead length, tolerance to0.5%, and temperature coefficients. It is terminal strength tested at a5lb. pull and its solderability and solvent resistance meet MIL-STD-202requirements. Many of Tepro’s precision and power resistors are customdesigned and have the ability to meet very tight tolerances and eventighter lead times – including custom magnetics, microwave, resistorsand wound film capacitors.
Tepro has been designing and manufacturing both wirewound resistors andmetal film resistors for their chassis mount resistor, power resistorand surface mount resistor lines in both standard resistor and customresistor models.
New Yorker is franchise distributor for Tepro/Vamistor, Divisions ofElectro Technik Industries (ETI), and offers its full line of Heat Sink
devices as well as its Low Ohm Current Sensing Resistors, Metal FilmDiscrete Resistors, Thick Film Resistors & Heat Sink Devices, Thin FilmNetworks and Thick Film Networks. Through the Vamistor division theyalso offer High Voltage Metal Alloy Resistors and a line of RL42 carbonfilm resistors.