New in the Elektor books portfolio is The EAGLE Companion, An Advanced User’s Guide. In over 600 pages, author Mitchell Duncan serves EAGLE users requiring deeper insights in the program’s operation, functionality, and advanced features.
EAGLE, the “Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor“ is a professional-grade CAD (computer aided design) software package for the design and drafting of electronic schematics as well as the design and fabrication of printed circuit boards. The EAGLE Companion provides the experienced EAGLE user with insight into using some of the more advanced features of EAGLE software. Assuming a basic knowledge of EAGLE, the book explores the more challenging modules, commands and functions which make up the program that keeps rocking the global PCB/CAD scene.
Complementing the EAGLE Advanced User Guide, the EAGLE User Language manual is included in this book in unabridged form, reproduced with permission of CadSoft GmbH.
Elektor Editor-in-Chief Jan Buiting: “I like to look up things in a b-o-o-k, especially when faced with a tough PCB design challenge. Concentration does it, and Mitchell’s book is secure on my bookshelf. EAGLE’s hidden gem is its User Language Program (ULP) which is a gateway to customizing the program for individual needs and preferences. If ever EAGLE had a faithful companion, it’s truly this book.”
At the time of writing, the material in this book covers version 7 of the EAGLE software suite.
‘The EAGLE Companion’ is available from Elektor’s Online Store.
ISBN: 978-1-907920-42-4
Soft Cover, 607 pages